Monday, 28 November 2011

UPSR - Solar Eclipse

Summary of Activity:
This lesson provides students with a concrete model of the Sun, Earth and Moon and their interaction during a solar eclipse. Students observe and manipulate the 3-D model and simulate the movement of these bodies during an eclipse. 
 Duration of Activity:
40 minutes.
Earth globe (approximately 14" to 16" in diameter)
Frame or ceiling hook (from which to hang the globe)
Thread or monofilament line
3-inch Styrofoam ball
Lamp with a 200 watt bulb, shade removed and extension cord
Work sheets

Teacher Preparation:
Allow 20 minutes to locate and prepare materials, and set up the eclipse demonstration model and copy work sheets.
Work Sheets:
"Solar Eclipse" Work Sheets
Students will understand that during a total solar eclipse:
The Moon is between the Earth and the Sun.
The Moon blocks the Sun’s light from reaching the surface of the Earth.
The shadow cast by the Moon covers only part of the Earth’s surface.
The Moon’s shadow moves across the Earth.
It becomes dark during the day.
Total darkness only lasts a few minutes.
Preparing the model
1.       Choose a location in the classroom with ample room (approximately 10’ x 10’) to demonstrate the eclipse model. Students may want to sit in a circle or semicircle with the model in the middle.
2.       Hang the Earth globe from the ceiling or framework, so that it hangs about 24" to 30" above the floor. A paperclip with one side bent into an "L" shape will support the globe. Tie string to the paper clip loop, and insert the "L" into the globe’s small hole at top (North Pole point).
3.       To a chair or other sturdy object, tape a yardstick so it extends parallel to the floor.
4.       Cut a short length of thread or monofilament and attach the 3-inch Styrofoam "Moon" ball to one end of the thread. Tie the other end to the yardstick.
5.       Set the suspended Moon ball 12" - 15" away from the Earth globe.
6.       Place the lamp near the hanging "Moon" ball and globe so that the "Moon" casts a shadow on the Earth globe. (See photo)

7.       Have students create an individual K-W-L chart or do this as a whole-class activity.
K — What the students know about the solar eclipse.
W — What they want to learn about the solar eclipse.
L — What they have learned about solar eclipse.

Teaching with the model
a)      Turn on the lamp and turn off the classroom lights to make the shadow more visible.
b)      Slowly turn the Earth globe counterclockwise and begin your discussion of the model by asking students to identify the Sun, the Earth and the Moon.
c)       Ask students to use the model to explain how an eclipse takes place.
d)      Turn the globe so that the "Moon’s" shadow is covering your city. Remind students never to look at the Sun, but ask them to describe how things might look in their city during a total solar eclipse.
e)      Point to the KWL chart used in the previous introductory lesson and review what students contributed. Ask if students have learned anything new to add the chart.
Possible points to elicit in your discussion of what happens during an eclipse–
The Moon is between the Earth and the Sun.
The Moon blocks the Sun’s light from reaching the Earth’s surface.
During the daytime it becomes dark on a small part of the Earth.
The shadow cast by the Moon only covers part of the daytime side of the Earth’s surface.
The Moon’s shadow moves across the Earth as it spins.
The Moon continues to move in its orbit too.
Total darkness of the eclipse only lasts a few minutes.
Some animals respond as if it were night.
f)        Distribute the work sheets. The model can be left in the classroom to help students complete the work sheets.

 This lesson is adapted from "Eye On the Sky - Lesson Plan"

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